Start your Entertainment Membership
You’re in control. Stream with no contract, or lock in a lower price for longer.
6-Month Saver
£9.99 £6.99
a month. 6-month minimum term.
Saving based on fully flexible price.
Save 30% when you join for longer
Stream unmissable TV shows
Includes ads. You can choose to go ad-free1 in the next step.
After the 6-month minimum term, Entertainment Membership auto-renews at £9.99 a month, unless cancelled. Cancel anytime effective at the end of the minimum term. Standard Memberships include ads, unless you have Boost or Ultra Boost. 1 Ad-free excludes live channels and trailers promoting NOW content.
6-Month Saver Bundle
£19.98 £13.99
a month. 6-month minimum term.
Saving based on fully flexible price.
Save 30% when you join for longer
Stream unmissable TV shows
Enjoy the latest blockbusters
Includes ads. You can choose to go ad-free1 in the next step.
After the 6-month minimum term Entertainment and Cinema Memberships auto-renew at £9.99 a month each. Cancel anytime effective at the end of the minimum term. Standard Memberships include ads, unless you have Boost or Ultra Boost. 1 Ad-free excludes live channels and trailers promoting NOW content.
Fully Flexible
a month. Cancel anytime.
Join in with no contract
Stream unmissable TV shows
Includes ads. You can choose to go ad-free1 in the next step.
Entertainment Membership auto-renews at £9.99 a month, unless cancelled. Cancel anytime. Standard Memberships include ads, unless you have Boost or Ultra Boost. 1 Ad-free excludes live channels and trailers promoting NOW content.