Start your Entertainment Membership
Stream unmissable, award-winning shows, HBO box sets and Sky Originals
6-Month Saver
€11.99 €5.99
a month. 6-month minimum term.
Saving based on fully flexible price.
Save 50% when you join for longer
Stream unmissable TV shows
Enjoy the latest blockbusters with 1-month free Cinema
Watch in Full HD* on 2 devices at once with 1 month free Boost
New NOW Entertainment, Cinema, and Boost customers only. 6-month minimum term applies to Entertainment membership only. After the 6-month minimum term, Entertainment Membership auto-renews monthly at €11.99 unless you cancel auto-renewal during the 6-month minimum term. After your 1-month free Cinema and Boost, each membership auto-renew at €11.99 and €5.00 respectively unless cancelled. Cancel anytime. *Boost features available on selected content and devices only. See here for more details.
Fully flexible
€23.98 €11.99
a month for 6 months. Cancel anytime.
Bundle and save 50%
Stream unmissable TV shows
Enjoy the latest blockbusters
Watch in Full HD* on 2 devices at once with 1 month free Boost
After offer, Entertainment Membership auto-renews at €11.99pm, Cinema Membership auto-renews at €11.99pm and Boost Membership auto-renews at €5.00pm unless cancelled. Cancel anytime. *Boost features available on selected content and devices only. See here for more details.
Fully Flexible
a month. Cancel anytime.
Join in with no contract
Stream unmissable TV shows
Entertainment Membership auto-renews at €11.99 a month, unless cancelled. Cancel anytime.