The Penguin’s real name is Oswald Cobblepot, one of Batman’s most acclaimed supervillains and a formidable force in Gotham’s underworld.
Cobblepot was given the name The Penguin due to his distinctive physique, which includes a portly belly and beak-shaped nose, which results in him walking with a waddle.
He covers his crimes using a nightclub, the Iceberg Lounge, as a front. And he proves time and again to be an intimidating force and knows how to acquire the right information to blackmail and corrupt those around him. He’s not afraid to fight dirty, and has a collection of henchmen ready to put his decisions into actions by any means necessary.
His main mission in life is to bring down Batman, who continues to impose a threat to his illegal operation. As a result, he has frequently been seen teaming up with other famed Batman villains, notably The Joker and The Riddler.
The character’s first appearance was in 1941 as part of the Detective Comics series by DC.